Homepagina Barometers België


Sinds 2012 worden elk jaar de FOOD-barometers gelanceerd. Die bestaan uit twee soorten enquêtes die geïnspireerd zijn op de onderzoeken van 2009 en 2010 en die de evolutie van de gewoonten en meningen van beide doelgroepen (werknemers en restaurants) over evenwichtige voeding volgen.


In 2019, 70% of Belgian employees have lunch on a daily basis, and this figure has remained quite constant over the years. It is close to the European average (71%).

Most of them (62%) usually eat home-made food. We notice an increase in the consumption of home-made food over the years.

In 2019, Belgian workers consider important the having a restaurant close to their workplace (80%) and a quick service (83%), when having lunch. They also favor restaurants offering locally produced food (65%).

In 2019, 74% of Belgian employees consider important or very important the nutritional quality of the meals served when choosing a place to have lunch.This figure is close to the European average (78)%. This figure has remained quite constant over the past 7 years.

In 2019, half of Belgian employees (49%) declare that the balance of the dish affects their decision on what to have at lunch. This criterion is the third most chosen and comes right after ’what I want at the present time’ (70%) and ’the price of the meal’ (53%).

The share of Belgian employees declaring that the balance of the dish affected their decision-making on what to have at lunch had never been as high as in 2018, therefore highlighting an increasing interest for balanced.


In 2019, only 23% of Belgian restaurants declare having a high level of knowledge on balanced nutrition. This figure is slightly below the EU average (33%).
72% of Belgian restaurants have a low to medium level of knowledge on balanced nutrition and would like to learn more.

In 2019, 34% of Belgian restaurants notice an increased demand for balanced/healthy meals. This figure is increasing in the country over the years.

47% of Belgian restaurant owners do not believe it is more difficult to prepare healthy/balanced meals (32% in 2016).


Er is een kloof tussen het aanbod en de vraag naar gezonde voeding in België. Belgische werknemers hechten steeds meer belang aan gezonde voeding, maar Belgische restaurants zijn zich niet bewust van die groeiende vraag. Bovendien hebben Belgische restaurants, in vergelijking met het Europese gemiddelde, sterke vooroordelen over gezonde voeding en vertonen ze weinig interesse om er meer over te weten te komen, en beide trends hebben zich onlangs nog versterkt.