Una nuova serie di questionari ispirati dai sondaggi 2009-2010, denominati barometri FOOD, viene lanciata ogni anno dal 2012 per monitorare l’evoluzione delle abitudini e delle opinioni di entrambi i gruppi target in merito all’alimentazione equilibrata.
In 2019, 80% of Italian employees have lunch on a daily basis. This figure has increased over the years: only 71% of employees took a daily lunch break in 2016.
Half of Italian workers usually eat a dish/a complete meal for lunch in 2019. This has remained the most common choice over the years.
When choosing a restaurant Italian workers consider important or very important practical criteria linked to working life constraints such as a quick service (90%). They also pay attention to local/seasonal food served (80%).
In 2019, 85% of Italian employees consider important or very important the nutritional quality of the meals served when choosing a place to have lunch. This figure is higher than the European average (78%).
Italian workers pay attention to the balance of their dish when eating in a restaurant (57%). It is the second most chosen criterion (first "What I want at the present time"), and 10 points higher than the price (47%).
In 2019, 58% of Italian restaurants have a medium level of knowledge about balanced nutrition, and could learn some more. It is higher than the European average (53%). 31% think that they have a high level of knowledge. These figures have remained quite constant over the past 5 years.
In 2019, 37% of Italian restaurants notice an increased demand for balanced/healthy meals. This figure has been increasing over the 5 years, reflecting a growing demand for balanced meals options.
3 years ago, restaurants in Italy did not value a lot balanced nutrition in comparison with the European results.
23% of them believed that is was more expensive to prepare balanced meals, and 22% thought it took more time to prepare healthy meals.
In 2019, 42% of Italian restaurants believe that is is not more difficult to prepare healthy/balanced meals.
And 57% of them believe that their customers would notice and appreciate the offer of balanced/healthy meals.
La coincidenza fra offerta e domanda è piuttosto buona in Italia quando si tratta di alimentazione bilanciata. I lavoratori italiani prestano sempre più importanza all’equilibrio del loro piatto, e ciò si rispecchia notevolmente nella percezione dei ristoranti verso il loro clienti. Ma sebbene i ristoranti italiani abbiano ancora un’opinione positiva rispetto alla cucina sana, un tempo avevano meno pregiudizi.