Os questionários inspirados nos estudos de 2009 e de 2010, denominados barómetros FOOD, são lançados todos os anos desde 2012, para monitorizar a evolução dos hábitos e das opiniões de ambos os grupos-alvo sobre alimentação saudável.
Portugal lançou o seu primeiro barómetro FOOD, em 2015. Devido a um baixo número de respostas em 2015, os resultados dos restaurantes não foram tidos em conta nesta análise.
In 2019, 77% of Portuguese employees have lunch on a daily basis (they were 82% in 2016). This figure has slightly decreased in 4 years.
In 2019, Portuguese workers mostly eat home-made food (58%) or a dish/a complete meal (27%). These figures have remained stable since 2015.
When choosing a restaurant, Portuguese workers considered important or very important practical criteria linked to working life constraints such as a quick the service (80%) and the location of the restaurant, close to the workplace (82%).
80% of Portuguese employees consider important or very important the nutritional quality of the meals served when choosing a place to have lunch. It is close to the European average (78%).
In 2019, Portuguese employees employees mainly choose what they want to eat at lunchtime according to the balance of the dish (30%).
The price (18%) only comes in third position, after the answer "What I want at the present time".
Portuguese employees truly pay attention to the balance of the dish.
In 2019, 47% of Portuguese restaurants declare having a medium level of knowledge on balance nutrition (whereas 52% of them declared having a low level of knowledge in 2016).
In 2019, 56% of Portuguese restaurants notice an increased demand for balanced/healthy meals. It is higher than the European average (31%).
Portuguese restaurants are well aware of the increasing demand from their consumers.
Half (47%) of Portuguese restaurants do not believe it takes more time to cook healthy meals.
Almost the same share (44%) do not believe that it is more costly to prepare healthy meals.
And 68% of restaurants believe that balanced meals taste as good as healthy options.
A associação entre a oferta e a procura de uma alimentação saudável é muito equilibrada em Portugal. Os colaboradores portugueses atribuem grande importância ao equilíbrio do seu prato à hora do almoço. Isto reflete-se consideravelmente nos restaurantes, porque mais de 70 % observam um aumento da procura por refeições saudáveis. Apesar de uma percentagem elevada ter manifestado uma opinião neutra sobre cozinhar saudavelmente, os valores demonstram que os restaurantes portugueses continuam, porém, a manifestar uma opinião positiva sobre a preparação de refeições saudáveis.