Úvodná stránka Barometers Slovensko


Dva súbory dotazníkov, nazvané FOOD barometre, inšpirované prieskumami v rokoch 2009 – 2010 sa od roku 2012 používajú každý rok na sledovanie vývoja zvykov a názorov na vyváženú stravu u oboch cieľových skupín (zamestnancov aj v reštauráciách).


In 2019, 815 of Slovak employees have lunch on a daily basis. It was higher than the European average (71%). This figure remained high and stable over the past 5 years.

Half (50%) of the Slovak employees usually eat a dish or a complete meal, or homemade food (39%).

In 2019, when choosing a place to have lunch, Slovak workers consider important or very important practical criteria linked to working life constraints such as a quick service (80%) and the location of the restaurant, close to the workplace (61%).

A high share of Slovak employees (63%) consider important or very important the nutritional quality of the meals served when choosing a place to have lunch.

In 2019, Slovak employees mainly choose what to eat at lunch according to "what they want at the present time (80%).
They also take into account the dish of the day, or speciality of the house (40%).

The balance of the dish (40%) is also an important criterion.


In 2019, 45% of Slovak restaurants declare having a medium level of knowledge about balanced nutrition and could learn more. It is lower than the European average (53%).

In 2019, half (52%) of Slovak restaurants noticed an increased demand for balanced/healthy meals. This figure has been overall increasing over the past 5 years, reflecting the growing demand for healthier food, also noticed on the employees’ side.

In 2019, Slovak restaurants have positive opinions about balanced nutrition. 58% of them believe healthy food tastes as good as less healthy options.

35% of them think that preparing healthy meals is more expensive.
However 49% of them do not believe it takes more time to cook healthy/balanced meals.


Stav medzi ponukou a dopytom po vyváženej strave je na Slovensku pomerne dobrý. Slovenskí zamestnanci venujú viac pozornosti vyváženosti svojich jedál, čoho dobrým odrazom je to, ako reštaurácie vnímajú svojich zákazníkov. Slovenské reštaurácie majú skôr pozitívny názor na zdravé varenie, hoci majú mierne viac a viac predsudkov o vyváženej strave.